


Note: Click here for the latest Regional News on available course venue locations and dates ..



 Courses  -see calendar 

Submission  of Interest Form:

Getting Started: 
is a private, international, accredited educational institution that offers places by invitation only. Courses are strictly limited to qualified, accomplished individuals invited to work with her via the small number of Regional, Peer Small Group or Corporate On-site Courses available each year. 

.-We know you have questions. What are the pre-qualifications? Is this the right program for you etc? By all means, send in our 'Registration of Interest Form' and let's talk.

Step: 2 -


Upon receipt of the below form we email you and arrange for you to speak with Dr Perry Zeus (Course Registrar and course designer). Perry then calls you, at an appointed time, to: a) confirm the latest available course dates, b) explain how the professional development certification courses work, c) answer any questions you have and, d) subject to a mutually satisfactory outcome of the interview -accepts your application for a specific course. Please note that we typically receive three to four applications per available place.

Step: 3 -  

Criteria of Selection:

Within 24 hours of your interview (during which time your application for a specific course will be reviewed. Our office emails you either a formal 'Acceptance Letter' or an offer to be wait-listed for another future course date. A successful applicant for an advertised course date is chosen not only on their: suitability for the course, relevant professional background/organizational experience etc, but also upon their ability to successfully apply with their clients what is taught in the course. A successful applicant for the Small Group, Peer (format) Course is also selected upon their professional profile and purpose to practice coaching matching that of the other course members. 

Note: In fairness to all pending applicants, to guarantee a limited course date/place a successful applicant is required to remit all course fees within four days of acceptance. If a qualified person is unsuccessful in their application for a specific course date they will be: a) notified of other future available dates they might be eligible to apply for and/or, b) placed on a wait list for any vacancy that might occur in the originally nominated course date.