Some Vital
Issues Global Leaders and Cross Cultural Teams need to successfully manage:
Geographical Differentiation
-the need to create subcultures to break into several geographical units
-who runs geo subculture: local or home?
-as orgs mature geo units may take over functions
-communications may break
down between host and unit
Differentiation by Product, Market, or
-product and customer
and divisional subculture
Difficult to
coordinate people
teams have own subculture
-complex mental equations to make decisions.
Mergers and
and subculture crucial
- problem: no shared history
:emotional reaction: some people feel inferior, threatened, angry,
- philosophy and cultural
- need to understand cultural risks
- clash of assumptions -not aware of own culture and/or other
Ventures, Strategic Alliances, and Other Multi-National Enterprises
issues can cause failure
-each party may feel it is inappropriate to bring their feelings out in the open
Opposition Groups
develop as opposing other groups
-some groups are deliberately countercultural: unions
-racial, gender, etc groups form subcultures
The Key = Cognitive Restructuring via Proven Behavioural Change Models
= to establish new relevant
Generating motivation to change
-enabling processes to generate motivation
-discomfort and disequilibrium to important goals and ideals causing anxiety
and/or guilt
-providing enough psychological safety: enough sense of identity
and integrity to go ahead with change
Data shows that goals aren't being met or
some of processes aren't being met.
-Sales are off , complaints are up, high turnover of employees etc
Bottom Line Development Need = new
behavioral skills need to be fixed.
> More:
to develop the requisite behavioral skill sets
Behavioral Coaching Institute