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        The Need to Coach / Develop Global Leaders and Cross Cultural Teams
Achieving Global Success ©

           (includes extracts from book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and Skiffington -published and copyrighted by McGraw-Hill, New York)
Global Leaders and Cross Cultural Team Coaching

Global Leaders and their cross cultural teams represent an organization's ability to operate in that location. Global leaders face many challenges including; how to deal with the broader social, cultural, ethical, political and business representation. Today, many international organizations are now paying careful attention as to how they can get the right global leadership and team development programs and procedures in place to assure that the right investments are being made in the right people to ensure maximum return on investment.
Most organizations offer some form of internal, generic leadership development program for their managers and Hi-Potentials. However, the intricacies and dynamics of being a successful Global Leader in today's global landscape require a skill set which encompasses critical core behavioural competencies that differ considerably from those of domestic leaders.  These "global behavioural competencies" allow leaders to effectively handle a wide range of challenges they face in today's competitive global marketplace including: how to best work with their regional clients and counterparts, how to lead a diverse multinational team, implementation of new initiatives, distance management issues, and the integration of different people and organizations etc. 

Group and Team Coaching Best Practices:
Recent studies of global leadership and cross cultural teams best practices in successful organizations have revealed some core competencies in cross-cultural skills are linked to superior performance and the company's bottom-line. Many organizations are now building behavioural skills programs for their employee base and senior management that have an international brief. Most of these companies at first focus on the realization that critical to a company's globalization strategy is the importance of building high performing, multinational teams. 

Most traditional cross cultural team development programs simply focus on identifying the cultural differences and communication strategies. Today, any program must acknowledge the affect of a wide range of behavioural issues and provide positive solutions. 

Some Vital Issues Global Leaders and Cross Cultural Teams need to successfully manage:

Geographical Differentiation
-the need to create subcultures to break into several geographical units
-who runs geo subculture: local or home?
-as orgs mature geo units may take over functions

-communications may break down between host and unit

Differentiation by Product, Market, or Technology
-product and customer changes

decentralization and divisional subculture

Difficult to coordinate people
isolated teams have own subculture
-complex mental equations to make decisions.

Mergers and Acquisitions
culture and subculture crucial
- problem: no shared history
              :emotional reaction: some people feel inferior, threatened, angry, defensive

philosophy and cultural mismatch
- need to understand cultural risks
- clash of assumptions  -not aware of own culture and/or other culture

Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances, and Other Multi-National Enterprises
Culture issues can cause failure
-each party may feel it is inappropriate to bring their feelings out in the open

Structural Opposition Groups
subgroups develop as opposing other groups
-some groups are deliberately countercultural: unions
-racial, gender, etc groups form subcultures

The Key = Cognitive Restructuring via Proven Behavioural Change Models
=  to establish new relevant behaviours

Generating motivation to change
-enabling processes to generate motivation
-discomfort and disequilibrium to important goals and ideals causing anxiety and/or guilt
providing enough psychological safety: enough sense of identity and integrity to go ahead with change

Data shows that goals aren't being met or some of processes aren't being met.
-Sales are off , complaints are up, high turnover of employees etc

Bottom Line Development Need = new behavioral skills need to be fixed.

               > More: How to develop the requisite behavioral skill sets 

 © Behavioral Coaching Institute 



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Content:  the global leaders model, coaching leaders and corporate leadership, team coaching, HR executive coaching group coaching, business coaching and the global leader, global leaders models, global leader development team coaching, cross cultural team coaching, HR professional development group coaching, leader coaching, cross cultural team coaching, team coaching and the global leader career coaching group coaching, HR professional development and leadership coaching, cross cultural team coaching, cross cultural team coaching, the Global Leader and group coaching, Cross Cultural Teams, leadership coaching, team coaching, leadership leadership change group coaching,