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Business Coaching Courses by
   becoming a Licensed
Course Facilitator





© Copyright .
Graduate School of
Global Leadership
Global Leadership Skills Training
& Coaching  Courses
All rights reserved.


Leadership Coaching Educational Services: 
-See below leadership coach training courses
Leadership Coach Courses..
  • Global Leadership Coaching:
    Masters-Level Global Leadership Coach Training Course

    For professionals who wish to build 'world best-standard' global leadership development programs using validated psychological based behavioral change models and tools etc.

  • Domestic Executive Coaching *
    Master Certified Coach Course*

    For personnel engaged in executive development who wish to
    design, build and manage 'best-industry standard' or 'world-standard' 1-to-1 or group executive and leadership coaching programs.

    Note: -The above course* is also available for individual participants at our regional campuses

    Other Leadership Coaching
     Educational Services:
  • Leadership Coaching Courses Available for Licence:
    For Course Graduates.
    Graduates can apply to license various
    Workshop Training / Course Manuals 

  • Educational Partnership Opportunities:
    Via our Institute's Graduate School of Master Coaches -  Business Partnership Program 



   "Let him who would move the world first move himself."   -Socrates 

Content: Leadership Coaching, Business coaching, Leadership and Executive Development, Executive Coaching, leadership coach training, Leadership Coaching, Global Executives, corporate coaching, Leadership Coaching Competencies, Cross-Cultural Leadership, Global Management and leadership coaching tools, Leadership Coaching Processes