Content: Coaching Case Study in Leadership Development and
coaching, coaching case studies in leadership and behavior change, leadership development
models and tools, cultural change, executive coaching techniques,
business coaching case study, executive leadership case study, behavior models,
cultural coaching, professional development, cross cultural
coaching case study, cross
cultural coaching, cultural coaching , coaching case study in the leadership behavior model,
development model, coaching case studies in corporate
leadership and executive behavior change, executive coaching study,
cultural coaching ,
Case Study: Achieving
Global Leadership Behavior Change with validated Coaching Techniques
Coaching Case Studies -includes extracts from book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and Skiffington - by McGraw-Hill, New York)
The Behavioral Coaching
Institute (BCI)
-World leader in development of Behavioral Change Coaching Models for Accelerating Individual
Development and Global Performance:
Many of the world's
leading brands - Walt Disney World, Toyota, Pfizer, Chanel, Lloyds Bank,
Sony, Vodafone, Mass Mutual and not-for-profits - Red Cross, Singapore
Civil Service College, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Dept. of Defence
etc - have chosen the Behavioral Coaching Institute (BCI) to help guide their leaders
to success.
cultural differences
Coaching across cultures means looking for opportunities to unleash
more human potential by building new behavioral-based personal skill
competencies. The outcome is increased performance, a sense of well-being
and fulfilment. The following two case studies illustrates how this can be
BCI -Coaching
Study 1.
Global Leadership Culture
A highly successful defence contractor knew that they needed to
develop a new generation of strategic-thinking leaders who would be able
to create an integrated global leadership culture, therefore taking
their organization to ever-greater heights. The contractor didn't want enormously
expensive consulting firms who were product and packaged driven in their
program offerings. Consulting firms have knowledge databases that
are broad but not always deep. Nor did the contractor want
academic driven, "dry" courses. To help develop these leaders the
contractor required a fully customized program informed by a blend
of cutting-edge, industry-proven, faculty research and expertise in both
the business and academic worlds. The learning provider also had
to be international-recognized subject-matter experts in the
field of the application of leading-edge, validated behavioral
scientific knowledge into accountable workplace leadership
development programs.
Working with the Behavioral Coaching Institute the defence contractor developed a Leadership
Development Program based on best-practice leadership coaching.
Step 1: Training of 10 nominated individuals to become
certified coaches via an intensive, on-site, customized 3 Day
Master Coach Course by BCI. To facilitate the participants
course preparation each participant engaged in reading and analysis via an
online learning portal. To facilitate the participants' successful
application of their learning in real-time, BCI's facilitators provided
individual post-course mentoring sessions with nominated individuals. Each
participant become a subject-matter master in the application of
behavioral-based leadership coaching and was equipped to coach at a world
best-standard level.
Step 2: Training of 12 key leadership development personnel and
relevant senior management via an intensive, on-site, customized 3
Day Global Leadership Course by BCI. To facilitate the
participants course preparation each participant engaged in reading and
analysis via an online learning portal. To facilitate the participants'
successful application of their learning in real-time BCI's facilitators
provided individual post-course mentoring sessions with nominated
individuals. Each participant become a subject-matter master in the
application of behavioral-based leadership coaching and was equipped to
build accountable leadership development programs that were able to
generate real, measurable behavioral change and sustainable learning
The course graduates from the Global Leadership
Course next built a
world-standard program whose objectives were to: improve the
participant's cross cultural effectiveness, develop an awareness of their
behavioral style and address areas which may cause them to under-perform, understand
the nature of change and transition and also to train the
participants' to self-coach and coach their work team members.
The program framework included four phases:
assessment, coaching, evaluation and support.
A group of 75 senior managers and key contributors were selected and
divided into six groups to participate in the program. All the
participants were assessed giving them an understanding of their own
unique learning, communication, problem-solving and leadership styles
-which was used as a basis for
them to develop an even more flexible leadership style.
As a follow-on to the program the participants were provided need-to
follow-on specialist cultural coaching by the course graduates from the
Master Coach Course.
read more
BCI -Coaching Case
Study 2.
the Cross-Cultural Team Leader
A leading higher learning educational
Institution was facing some significant changes within its
rapidly growing, competitive service sector. A strong
leadership team comprised of experienced executives tightly
controlled all the international campuses. All major
strategies and decisions rested in the hands of this highly
technically proficient small group. Below this top tier there had
been virtually no formal management or leadership development
of executives. It was clear that the leadership requirements were
changing and that the types of skills that had made the senior
team successful in the past were not the same skills that would be
needed in the future.
Two issues were identified to be addressed:
1) Developing the senior leadership teams intra-personal and
cross cultural competencies. 2). Preparing 'high-potentials' for
long-term succession and developing management bench
The Behavioral Coaching Institute first helped the team define its leadership
model for senior and mid-level executives of the future.
Once a new leadership model was
established, dozens of managers were selected to participate in a
new leadership development program designed by several graduates
of BCI's customized 3 Day Global Leadership Course. The
program had several key elements, including:
- Managers were provided 360-degree feedback on
their own skills and were assisted by several graduates
of BCI's customised
3 Day Master Coach Course in
the creation of personal development plans to leverage their
strengths and fill in gaps
Senior executives and high-potentials were able to develop
their own personal and inter-cultural skills in preparation for
growth and expanded leadership responsibilities
Participants were able to practice their
leadership skills in a simulated environment
So there would be ongoing support,
1-to-1 Developmental and Cultural Coaching was provided
by the Master Coaches as they implemented the strategies
and tactics of their development plan
The organization
quickly established this process was a cost-effective and
efficient way to jump-start the creation of a global leadership
development culture throughout its ranks of current and future leaders.
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BCI -Coaching
Developing Global
develop from a national leader to become a truly global
leader a fast growing IT company needed to quickly develop global
leaders inside their company. The company realised they could
never hire all the talent that was needed and set about
constructing a global leadership program.
achieve their set business goals and global vision the
company needed to provide: 1) a cultural toolkit for its
many employees who were on overseas assignments ranging from several
weeks to two years and, 2) a behavioural skill training
program enhancing self-awareness and interpersonal and
intrapersonal skill sets.
of the primary goals set for the HR and L & D Team to
incorporate in the global leadership program were to develop
behavioral leadership competencies to:
• be
able to employ cultural sensitivity and diplomacy
• be
able to solve cultural problems synergistically
be able to negotiate across cultures
motivate cross-cultural teams
• be
able to work with people from diverse racial and ethical
• be able to
foster relationships that create respect for all parties
the support of BCI's Graduate School of Global
Leadership, the effort resulted in the building of e-learning
rooms in their international offices and a web-based
"world campus" where courses were broadcast to
their people around the world. The behavior-based coaching program
employed validated methodogies which allowed the program to
be cost-justified. By using a ROI scorecard the company
was able to practice tight cost management. (Skills coaching costs
were costed as a percentage of sales -to ensure a productivity
gain was always realized.) The scorecard was also used to justify
taking many key people out of their business for so many
days of the year.
read more
Many vital behavior /
psychological-based assessment instruments and tools required by
personnel engaged in leadership development are only available to individuals trained and mentored
by a facilitator who is a trained and experienced behavioral
change professional. BCI's
Master Coach Course
meets the
critical needs for H.R., L & D and other professionals to be trained and
mentored in the use of
validated, reliable behavioral-based global leadership models,
templates, tools and techniques.
Behavioral Coaching Institute
Leadership Development
career coaching case study, cultural coaching , professional development, cross
cultural coaching case
study, cross
cultural coaching, coaching case study in the leadership behavior,
development model, cultural coaching , coaching case studies in corporate
leadership and executive behavior change, executive coaching study,
Coaching Case Study in Leadership Development and
coaching case studies in leadership and behavior change, global leadership development
models and tools, executive coaching techniques,
cultural coaching , business coaching case study, executive leadership case study, behavior
models and coaching case study,. cultural change