Content: Leadership Development Model and coaching techniques, leadership and behavior change model, leadership behavior change coaching techniques and leadership development 
models, global leadership development coaching tools, cross cultural coaching professional development,  leadership behavior coaching models and techniques, the leadership behavior  model  and coaching leadership development  model, coaching, corporate leadership behavior change, coaching techniques, executive coaching techniques, leadership behavior coaching, executive leadership behavior models, career coaching , professional development, cross cultural coaching and  leadership behavior



       Certified Global Leadership Master Coach Course - Notes
      Global Leadership Development -A Behavioral Coaching Approach
Achieving Leadership Behavior Change with validated Coaching Techniques ©

           (includes extracts from book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and Skiffington -published and copyrighted by McGraw-Hill, New York)
Leadership Behavior -global leadership development coaching
Too often in organizations leaders are hired or promoted for their technical expertise and fail because of their behavior competencies. Behavior competencies are not innate talents, but learned abilities, each of which has a unique contribution to making leaders more resilient, and therefore more effective. Behavior competencies control the leader's / executive's ability to perform, get along with others, adapt to changing situations, and other issues.

The difference between technical and behavior competencies
Technical competencies are usually learned (in an educational environment or on the job) whereas behavioral competencies (self-awareness, self-management and work habits and values) are typically learned through life experiences. Behavioral competencies are the processes or control laws that use the technical competencies to achieve and/or maintain goals.

Traditional global leadership development fails to deliver
Traditional global leadership development, build around cultural awareness programs, falls well short of developing behavior competencies. Coachees are given direction about what to be prepared for, how to do something another way, what they may need to change etc.  The "one size fits all", simplistic approach to developing purely technical competencies / 'hard skills' is ineffective as it ignores our individual behavioral patterns that control the execution of the 'hard skill'. 

In traditional global leadership training the participants shortly revert to habitual patterns at the conclusion of the training event. It's an expensive venture for a short-term "buzz." Thus, the challenge for leadership development professionals is to enhance organizational effectiveness with a behavioral change and learning model that strengthens and sustains individuals in their behavioral competencies. 

Profit Eroding Behaviors
Any leadership or management behaviors that negatively impact the effectiveness of an organization are Profit Eroding Behaviors. The negative impact of an organization's global leaders with profit eroding behaviors is enormous. Profit Eroding Behaviors are not just dangerous to the individuals' career but also directly impact the bottom-line performance, profitability and future of the organization they work in.

The need for an integrative behavior based hiring and coaching platform
With a serious global leadership shortage impacting most organizations for the last 3-5 years, and the prospect of continued shortages, many organizations are taking a more strategic approach to hiring and retaining experienced, 'culturally alert'  leaders.

Any cross-cultural skill development requires a model for sustainable learning. For any sustainable learning to occur it must be based upon validated, behavioral scientific coaching models and associated accelerated behavioral change techniques.

The Coaching Model
Professional leadership developers require two central coaching models to build their programs around: a Process Model and a Core Behavioral Model: Leadership developers need to be taught how to construct successful programs by using the below framework to create customized, proven coaching models: 

1. The Process Model -  The Behavioral Coaching Process Model differs significantly from traditional, simplistic and theoretical coaching approaches as it only uses validated, robust psychological, definitive modeling proven in the real-world workplace. This critical difference allows its users to achieve genuine, lasting, measurable change and growth.

2. The Core Model -  The Core Behavioral Aspects Model predicts behavioral / learning change by identifying the core behavioral aspects (thinking, beliefs, attitudes, values etc) that control the outcome. The Behavior Aspects Model differs significantly from traditional, simplistic coaching approaches as it only uses evidence-based behavior change techniques and tools to provide behavioral feedback and a action plan.

Senior management need the tools and skills to hire well and build loyalty. By using behavior based competencies in their selection (interviewing/hiring and assessing) and development (coaching) processes, organizations are able to build a powerful integrative, systematic foundation for their future.

Many vital behavior / psychological-based assessment instruments and tools a leadership coach requires are only available to coaches trained and mentored by a facilitator who is also a licensed clinical psychologist. The Institute's international, fast-tracked, 4 Day, Small Group Certified Master Coach Course meets the critical needs for H.R., L & D and other professionals engaged in leadership development to be trained and mentored in the use of validated, reliable psychology-based global leadership models, templates, tools and techniques.

© 2008 Behavioral Coaching Institute                  - Global Leadership Development Coaching Tools and Solutions .. more






Content: leadership behavior and leadership development model and coaching techniques, leadership and behavior change model, leadership behavior change coaching techniques and leadership development  models, global leadership development coaching tools, cross cultural coaching professional development,  leadership behavior coaching models and techniques, the leadership behavior  model  and coaching leadership development  model, coaching, corporate leadership behavior change, coaching techniques, executive coaching techniques, leadership behavior coaching, executive leadership behavior models, career coaching , professional development, cross cultural coaching and  leadership behavior