Contents: FAMILY COACH COURSE, Kids and Parent Behavior Coaching, family coach certification, family COACH COURSE, family coaching, Certified FamilyCoach Course, Youth Coaching, Family Coach Certification, Children Coaching Course, child behavior specialist training, Certified Family Coach Course,  Coaching Course, become a FAMILY COACH, Family and Parent Coaching Course, Certified Family Behavior Coach Course, Children Behavior Coaching,







 Worldwide Alumni: over 7,000 graduates in 60+ countries



Dr Perry Zeus's  






Course Content

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Fast-Tracked Learning for qualified professionals..


Masters level training and globally recognized certification in family life coaching for children, youth & parents..


Learn how to use latest, science-based, behavior change tools for guiding parents how to help children; grow during challenging times, understand and manage themselves, fulfil their potential and build a bright, happy and successful future.

        As independently verified by ZOOMINFO (#1 Online Company search database used by Google, Amazon and Microsoft) - the Behavioral Coaching Institute is a long established, successful business with revenue of $us7 mill + and employs over 35 people worldwide.    


  Developing Behavior Flexibility: -empowering children to become the best version of themselves.

 - Helping all children to consistently express the best version of themself each day, enhance their behavior repertoire, perform under pressure, and become resistant to stress, sabotaging negative emotions and limiting mindsets.

Students in this specialist course learn how to teach parents and children to use highly effective and proven neuro-behavioral techniques to build sustainable, optimal behavior outcomes and a richer, more happier and healthier life.

Level 1: Master Certified Coach in Kids / Youth Behavior and Parent Coaching
Level 2: Advanced DIPLOMA in Kids / Youth Behavior and Parent Coaching
Level 3: Dual Certificate Course (above 2 Courses).




    Diploma in Kids Behavior and Parent Coaching
Graduates receive the Diploma and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip. Behavior"

  Certified Master Child Coach and Parent Coaching
Graduates receive the Master Certified Coach credential and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "M.C.C. Behavior"



  Today's revolution in on-site and virtual Family Coaching Services.

We cannot expect children to thrive when they are struggling personally.

Resources and attitudes about children's behavioral health has changed significantly in the last few years. In today's challenging new world environment there is now a global movement by parents to engage their children in today's advanced, science-based, behavior coaching services.

The Science of Children / Youth Behavioral Change

Based on an understanding of neuroscience and human behavior, we know that information and advice alone are not effective at producing behavioral / emotional change. In fact, a child's neurobiological makeup does not support the straightforward utilization of information as the basis for change.





Program Course Format Options:

Fast-tracked E-Learning (40-60 hours) with Full Certification


2 Day, Very Small Group, Campus Program with some required pre-course preparation/reading (Dr Zeus: Special Course Facilitator next semester).
  Note: As this is an invitational course there is:
No required Add-on coach training or mentoring hours
No assessment
No set Starting or Completion time...for Self-paced E-learning
                     Course Modules >  
                    Course Registration Form (below page)

What Graduates Are Saying About Dr. Perry Zeus (Institute Founder)
and the Institute's Courses



  Dr Perry Zeus
Behavioral Coaching Institute
  Perry is internationally acknowledged as a pioneer in coaching psychology, a founder of the modern coaching discipline, best-selling author of several coaching text books and today’s foremost developer of human behavior coaching change methodology. As well as the Faculty Head of BCI he is an active grandfather as well as a proud father of a 6 years old girl.



  For over two decades Perry has proven to be an extraordinary educator and coach with the ability to apply his deep understanding of the practice of coaching and the behavioral sciences to build the world’s leading coach training courses. If you are looking for the best available source of coaching knowledge, tools and certification then his Institute’s international recognized, accredited courses are for you….Thanks again for inviting me into the course Perry!  

Srini Pillay, M.D.
Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Author of ‘Total Brain Makeover’, ‘Life Unlocked’.




The Institute’s course provided our family team a powerful framework to build an open, trusting, caring relationship with our clients that provided deep foundations for their wellness, psychological safety and a brighter more secure future.”
- Pat Evans, ICM Coaching Group


  This invaluable credentialing and toolkit program throws open the doors to the latest, scientifically proven ways of working with families. The course takes an integrative approach providing an overarching umbrella of intervention possibilities. For those already working with families, this program is rich with new tools and methodology. For those about to establish a career in child and parent coaching it will become the bedrock of your practice.”
-  J. Peters, Health Services




Child Behavior Development Program Format Options:
1. Distance Learning
- E-Learning. Self-Study. Estimated 40-60 hours of course content and work -depending on the student’s available time frame and learning style.
2. In-Person, Very Small Group, Campus 2 Day Practicum Course for Professionals (Supervised practical application of tools, client case role play exercises and 1:1 personalized instruction by facilitator)


The world recognized, fully Accredited, Credentialing Program includes:

Comprehensive E-Course Library. Manuals (over 700 pages) plus Video Catalogue of practical sessions, discussion and analysis with world leading behavior change experts and practitioners.
Modules containing exercises (and answers).
Coaching Tool Kit includes; Change Methodology, Forms, Sample Client Contracts, Practice templates, Checklists etc)
Regional Group To Interact With Other Coaches
Optional Practice Role Play Sessions
Certified Coach Logo, ICC membership logo & Gold Seal Services Badge
Optional One Full Year Support and More
  78 Dynamic Lessons
26 Coaching Inventories, Checklists, and Assessments.
22 Coach Checklists .
125 Coaching Tips.
Coach Starter Information.
28 Client Inventories and Checklists.
32 Case Studies.
Countless useful child personal development and scientific resources and readings to draw from.
Available Back-Up Support and Access to world’s leading coaching experts.
These sessions support any ongoing knowledge and practice needs...
  Special April BONUS. If offered a place, you will also receive, at no extra cost, the additional Professional Business Practice Coach Toolkit and Resources Library (over 300 pages).
Value $us1,295.00





Note: Family Behavior Coach Training Program -Limited Places Available.

Student Selection

The Institute’s advanced, internationally recognized courses are invitational for qualified persons and not open to all. For over 25 years the Institute has maintained an exceptionally high level of student post-course success due to the high quality of our courses and control over our student enrolment profile by enforcing minimum entry standards.

Student entry standards and quotas are imposed to: (a) ensure graduates represent the Institute’s name (via our professional certification) at the highest level in the global marketplace; (b) confirm that a student’s work experience and, (c) align with ICC Behavioral Board policies and constraints, including awarding Course Certification Accredited by the ICC.

Note: Admissions selection is administered by the Institute’s International Student Selection Panel.

NOTE: To reduce the application processing time a small number of select applicants are now able to bypass the telephone interview process and have their application directly submitted to the Institute's Selection Panel for consideration. The Panel may request additional references or support material from an applicant to confirm their suitability.




- Application Form for invitation
into Course

Note: Applications Closing Soon!



   Step 1.-Select applicable Course Rate     
Step 2. Next, complete the Personal Details Section of the Form below page
..then Submit.




- Master Certified Child Coach Course.
- Advanced DIPLOMA in Child / Youth Behavior
 and Family / Parent Coaching Course.

  Learn to use proprietary, proven Intervention Models (employing the latest: evidence-based methodology from neuroscience, neuropsychology and allied behavioral sciences fields). Note: The Behavior Change Models and tools are only available through this course.  
  Self-Study / E-Learning Format
*Note: Strictly Limited Number of Places Available.

Level I.
  Master Certified Child Coach  / Child Behavior and Parent Coaching:
Graduates receive Master Certified Kids Behavior Coach Certificate and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "MCC. Behavior".


Level 2.
 Diploma in Youth / Child Behavior and Parent Coaching Course:
Graduates receive a Diploma and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip. Behavior".


Level 3.
Special ICC Board Accredited Dual Certificate Course:
a) Graduates receive the above Diploma PLUS Master Certified Coach Certificate and are entitled to use the post-nominal letters "Dip. Behavior" and "MCC. Behavior".
Having a dual qualification stands you out in your field and opens more opportunities.
Due to Demand this Semester Only: $us2,350.00

b) This Special Course includes Master Coach Foundational Knowledge and Skills from the Master Coach in Kids Coaching. Save $950 compared to undertaking the two courses separately.



   Very Small Group, Invitational, 2 Day Campus Learning Format.
Each applicant has a personal discovery telephone call with Dr Zeus.
Level 3. Accredited Dual Certificate Practicum Course.
Supervised practical application of behavioral change techniques, 1:1 role playing exercises and personalized instruction by Dr Zeus.

Next Annual Dates to be set.

New York, USA
Class of 8-10 persons. Booked Out
Class of 3 persons. Booked Out    


Gold Coast, Australia. Dates Closed.
Class of 8-10 persons. (Sat, Sun) @ $A3,250. Full
Class of 3 persons. (Sat, Sun) @ $A3,850. Full
Note: Accommodation not provided. Luncheon and teas provided. Requires some pre-course reading/preparation  by student.
- l am also interested in licensing use of one, or all three courses:
- to train coaches / market in my region / to my client's.
- as an in-house training program in my organization.
-Yes! Please book me a telephone interview with a Senior Faculty Member to discuss.


    BONUS: Yes!  I also wish to receive, at no extra cost, the latest Professional Coach Tools and Practice Resources Library (over 300 pages). Value $us1,295.00  


* E-Learning, Dual Certificate Course (only) @ $us1850
Yes, I wish to apply for a Regional Scholarship (max
 amount $us500) in need of financial assistance.

- Your Reasons for Scholarship Rate

Note:- Course places are required to be paid by Bank Transfer/Direct Deposit (EFT).



    - OPTIONAL (Post-Course) Practice Mentoring with Dr Zeus, Dr Garcia or Dr Tracy.
    -Yes, l would like to also book some private, 1to1 videoconference sessions focusing on my specific practice / client needs. $u350 per session (typically 1 hour).
 # of sessions:
-1, -2, -3, -4, -5,



1.Each application is subject to a review criteria and judgment of merit by the Institute's Selection Panel. Selection results are final and no discussion will be entered into other than with a successful applicant.
2. Self Paced, Self-Study (Reading and Exercises) Program. Duration: typically 6 - 8 weeks part-time home study. The Certificate is automatically forwarded to the student when they notify the Institute that they have completed their Self-Study.
. No assessment or post-course supervision / additional training hours is required as this is an invitational Program (via submission of this Form). Self-Study Course is for busy people developers who are time constraint, unable to attend a campus course for economic, distance or other reasons.
. There is no renewal fee as the Certificate is perpetual (no expiry date).



 Yes!   -Please submit my Course Application
to the Institute's Selection Panel

      - Firstly, how did you hear about the Institute's Courses  
           Google Search ,  Reference, Dr Perry Zeus's Books, Other

      Your Contact Information



  Full Name :   

Mr.  Ms.  Dr  First Names:
                                  Last Name:

Company Name:   

 Address and Zip  
 /Postal Code :   

State and Country :   

Telephone #'s :   

 Home: Business:    

Email -Personal :   


  Email -Business:   

       Please re-enter Address :


Web Site :   


      Your Profile


Occupation :   


Business Name :   


Type/Size of Business:



 I am looking to use Kids Intervention Coaching Models :


- Externally (in a practice)
- Internally (inside my organization)


Professional / Educational Background:

Your experience in People Development :

What are some of your primary Course Objectives?


Are you looking to specialize in a specific niche area?


  Applying for a Dual Certificate Scholarship Rate / Financial Assistance?
- If so, please provide a statement as to the reason/s why..


Yes, I understand that a course place is
 required to be paid by Bank Transfer / Wire.


     - Reference or
- Referral? eg; Course Graduate, BCI Faculty Member etc: 






                        Courses Content  | Faculty | Certification | Registration Form |Books etc |Coaching Tools| 1to1 Network | Articles/News


                                © Copyright 1998 - 2024. The Behavioral Coaching Institute's 1-to-1 Coaching School. 
                              New York. London, Singapore, Bangkok, Hong Kong
                           All logotypes and content are the sole property of the 1 to 1 Coaching School .
                  All rights reserved
                                       1 to 1 Coaching School™, the 'Behavioral Coaching Institute' (BCI), 'Graduate School of Master Coaches' and 'Dr Skiffington'
                            are all registered trading/business names 
                            BCI's Global Head Office

                                Singapore -International Courses Division Disclaimer:
This coaching children certificate is an educational program - not a licensing program. Successful completion is based on completion of required course material and exercises. Those who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate confirming such. Successful completion does imply the meeting any of country or state licensing or regulatory requirements and does not entail any special status, rights, duties, or privileges.