Content: Global Tools for Leadership Program, Coach, global culture, leadership coaching tools, HR management and behavioral change,  global tools program and
leadership development, coaching personal skills, cross cultural coach, HR professional development, coaching personal culture skills, global tools, inter cultural coach, culture,  coaching, templates,  culture change, culture tools and global leadership program and coaching, HR coaching, global leadership inter cultural behavior model and coaching, the HR manager, coaching tools and techniques, professional development, cross cultural coach



        Global Tools, Templates etc -for Leadership Development
- using validated behavioral change techniques and tools ©

           (includes extracts from book 'Behavioral Coaching' by Zeus and Skiffington -published and copyrighted by McGraw-Hill, New York)
Inter Cultural Global Tools 
First, a definition:  Global Leadership Coaching Technology is a scientific, systematic and systemic approach to the structure of coaching using a wide range of validated tools, techniques, interventions, protocols, templates and models that are drawn and developed from many disciplines and fields of learning such as the behavioral sciences. GLCT is the 'science of coaching'. The 'art of coaching' is achieved through systematic practice and mastery of the science -after completing personalized training in the selection and use of the technology and follow-on mentorship by an experienced practitioner, credentialed educator and scientist (clinical psychologist etc).
Even in the 21st century, most coach training providers still teach old practices and don't offer too many actual techniques that facilitate change. Achieving measurable, sustainable behavioral and learning outcomes isn't a matter of simplistic goal setting, personality profiling and cheerleading but requires the skilful use of validated, proven behavioral change methods and learning tools grounded in the behavioral sciences. Today, the success of any global leadership coaching program is dictated by the program's resources depth, scientific validity and measurability. 

One of the reasons why behavioral techniques are employed by global leadership developers is that they allow for data to be gathered on specific, targeted behaviors impacting the application of a cross cultural / professional skill. By using appropriate validated, behavioral change instruments, these targeted behaviors can easily be measured and evaluated in a rigorous manner. Behavioral based coaching, with its emphasis on research and evidence, provides individuals and organizations a validated and proven system that greatly increases their chances of effecting lasting, measurable behavioral change.

Professionals engaged in working with the organization's best and brightest need not only to be knowledgeable about the tools and techniques they employ but also how to competently and responsibly use them. Understanding the psychological foundations of the methodology employed and knowing how, when and why the technique works also allows the 'coach' to give a clear rationale for its use to the 'coachee'.

Coaching Tools
In leadership coaching literature the terms 'coaching' tools' and 'coaching techniques' tend to be used interchangeably. However, the following definition can be useful to distinguish between the two: Coaching tools are instruments (like a stethoscope). Such coaching tools include; assessment instruments, evaluation tools, 360 degree interviews etc. Leadership developers need to learn how to skilfully use these tools and build their own toolkit.

The term 'coaching techniques' refers to the way in which we use these coaching tools. A coaching technique is the art of using a tool, or the way in which the tool is used. Validated, industry proven coaching techniques and tools ultimately aim to transform or change the coachee.

Change Behavior, Change Results
Experienced professionals engaged in global leadership development know that valid, accurate behavioral information and insight are the building blocks of great decisions. The question isn't whether the right information and insight are essential. The question is how to acquire the best, reliable and proven behavioral coaching tools and techniques 

Changing behavior with the right coaching techniques and tools and delivery mechanisms can have a dramatic, beneficial influence on human dynamics, the cultural and environmental context of an organization, and the output of the system - the organization's performance. Graduates of Dr Skiffington's fast-tracked, on-site 3 Day Global Leadership Coach course are trained how to employ industry proven, valid development templates and coaching tools and learn first-hand the appropriate techniques of mastering these tools to assist leaders through the process of self-awareness, self-understanding and skill building to achieve lasting, measurable behavior change, self-development and performance enhancement.

Dr Skiffington and the Behavioral Coaching Institute not only a) are the world's leading developers of cutting edge leadership coaching tools, techniques and resources but also, b) they conduct research which includes investigating the latest case studies; interviewing leading practitioners in their field as well as their clients to gain early insights; listening to the industry leaders in their field who are using the latest available coaching tools and techniques and; compiling and testing best practices, new coaching techniques and tools, processes and practice models. This ongoing, intensive research, development and testing program allows the Institute to continually update/upgrade their Global Leadership Master Coach Certification Program.
One of the objectives of the Masters-Level Course is to train coaches how to select and use valid instruments to identify and assess behaviors but also to help coaches develop a set of 'diagnostics' to begin to look at the "why" of another person's behavior and also their own. Each person is an authority on themselves. Coaches learn how to select and use appropriate proven strategies to guide the leader to discover their master control switches and other critically important information about him or herself that will assist them to move in the positive direction they have chosen.

Dr. Skiffington is the first coaching educator to provide a world best standard, validated, professional coaching global tool package. The cost of these instruments would be at least $3000 in total. These invaluable workplace tools are now included, at no extra cost, in the Masters-Level Course During the course invited participant's also learn how to:
   - use and select the right validated tools and instruments
   - understand the principles of validity and reliability
   - determine which instruments and tools you will and won't add to your own tool kit, and be taught
   - the uses, benefits and timing of various instruments, tools etc

Assessment -The First Step in the Development Plan
The advanced-level, accelerated, 3 Day Course (plus follow-on 1-to-1 course mentoring with Dr. Skiffington) also prepares the participant to plan, implement, and/or evaluate the results of an assessment for an leadership coaching intervention. -For example; methods of structured interviews, standardized surveys, 360-degree feedback instruments and interviews, and other organizational behavioral assessments are introduced.

Some Assessment Coaching Tools / Questionnaires included in the Masters-Level Coach course:

                       A Structured Interview - a comprehensive assessment for leadership / executive coaching

                       Leadership profile: self-awareness, interpersonal skills, thinking skills
                       A personality profile
                       A vision/mission profile

                       A work/life balance profile

                       A learning profile
                       A biographical profile
                       A values profile

                       A mini-360-degree competence profile

                       A job analysis profile
                       A work performance profile
                       A team member's profile

                       Assessing for change                       
A life balance profile
                       A self-assessment profile for the coach

Dr Skiffington's select students are also provided and shown how to use a proven 10 Step Development Templates, actual check sheets, forms, and procedures developed over several years by some of the world’s the top global leadership developers who work with Dr Skiffington. Graduates can customize and re-brand these valuable templates, global coaching tools, techniques to build a solid structure for their own development programs.

Many vital practice protocols, techniques and assessment instruments a professional coach requires are only available to coaches trained and mentored by a facilitator who is also a licensed clinical psychologist. Dr Skiffington's industry-proven, fast-tracked, on-site 3 Day Course meets the critical needs for professionals engaged in global leadership development to be trained and mentored in the use of validated, reliable psychology-based tools and techniques

© 2005 Behavioral Coaching Institute                                      - Global Leadership Master Coach Course -Content .. more




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Content: Global Tools for Leadership Program, Coach, global culture, HR professional development, coaching personal culture skills, global tools, inter cultural coach, culture,  coaching, templates,  culture change, culture tools and global leadership program and coaching, HR coaching, global leadership inter cultural behavior model and coaching, the HR manager, coaching tools and techniques, professional development, cross cultural coach,  leadership coaching tools, HR management and behavioral change,  global tools program and leadership development, coaching personal skills, cross cultural coach,