achieve successful change and/or learning, it is now evident that the
mental/behavioural aspects which underlie a person's actions are the
critically important elements which require assessing and
As professional coaches we well aware that only validated behavioural
tools and techniques can achieve genuine, sustainable, measurable
behaviour with the right techniques and delivery mechanisms can have a dramatic, beneficial influence on human dynamics, the cultural and
environmental context of an organization, and the output of the system -
the organization's performance. However, changing
behaviours is hard work and often frightening to those faced with
changing a lifetime’s habits. Change of this type can strike at the
core of personality and therefore identity. It is therefore imperative
as responsible coaches that we understand how to professionally use
the behavioural tools and techniques that relate to our specific niche
area of practice or specialty. Our
experience as coach educators has shown, time and again, that coaches
require further training in their use. Indeed, our Master Coach
workshops developed out of this demand. Our course is therefore
founded on the science of applied behaviour analysis.
qualified coaches we not only have to be knowledgeable about the
techniques we employ but also how to competently and responsibly use
them. Understanding the psychological foundations of techniques and
knowing how, when and why the technique works also allows us to give a
clear rationale for its use to the coachee.
practitioners we need to distinguish the differences in coaching which
emphasizes operational mastery
(hard/technical skills) and coaching which aims to develop and enhance
personal mastery skills (soft skills). Yet the psychological foundations
of the two types of coaching differ only in degrees. Certainly, coaching
to enhance soft skills focuses on exploring and working with values,
beliefs, emotions and resistance. However, even when the coaching focus is
on hard skills such as strategic planning or developing appraisal systems,
the same psychological processes are at play albeit to a lesser degree.
Coaches, therefore, regardless of their specialty niche have to be skilled
in recognizing and working with the psychological processes of the
individual and the organization.
training, learning and development is of course not restricted to coaches.
Professionals in other areas such as law, medicine and psychology
are required to undergo a period of internship and supervision.
Furthermore, given that the motto of coaching is ‘life long learning’,
coaches themselves are expected to pursue continuous learning. Ongoing
mentoring and supervision, especially in the use of psychological tools
and techniques, should be a coach’s number one priority. Let’s
face it. Coaches are in the behaviour-changing business. The reason
why someone undertakes coaching is to change their behaviour, period. |
the results of Coaching:
Robinson, director of executive and organization development at Dell
Computer Corporation of Austin, Texas, says; Dell has been
measuring ROI for executive coaching in a formalized method for more
than five years and more than half the company's 761 executives
received coaching within a two-year time frame. So far,
coaching has received more than a 90-percent satisfaction rate from
company executives. Robinson reports that senior staff members
who've received coaching also tend to be promoted more often than
those who don't participate in one-on-one coaching
Human Resource Executive Magazine.
Accenture's Alastair
Robertson, manager of worldwide leadership development practice in
Boston, says employers are shocked at how high their ROI numbers are
for coaching. He recalls a large employer in the hospitality
industry saved between $30 million and $60 million by coaching its
top 200 executives.
There is
an "accountability crisis" in coaching today.
may be the wave that carries the future of corporate training and
development. But if that wave is ever to crest, corporations must be
able to determine a financial return on their investment. Only if
early adopters can truly demonstrate an ROI in dollar figures will
coaching wash over corporate culture and change its landscape.
clients want to see a numerical scorecard - the measurable
results that coaching has brought to their organization. Business
and executive coaches today are now required to prove the measurable
value and return on their client's investment in coaching.
Gone are the days when coaches could not cost-justify their work and
could talk only of their work producing "success",
"goal realization" and other vague descriptions of an
amazing list of intangible benefits of coaching.
measuring carefully the results of coaching and tying coaching to
the strategic metrics a company uses to measure its business
success, a coach should be able to demonstrate the financial return
on the coaching dollars spent.
it's often difficult to demonstrate increased value of a company's
human capital.
problem is, both coaches and clients have been frustrated by the
lack of rigorous methods for measuring the impact ( the ROI -
return on investment, the bottom-line increases in business
activity, production and profitability) of the coach's work. Coaches also
need to learn how to better present and communicate the value of
their work to clients.
The Behavioral Coaching Institute's courses
are the only
international coach training program that provides
instruction in how-to-use the necessary validated tools for
obtaining and measuring lasting behavioral coaching outcomes and
producing a ROI scorecard.
note: Only
validated, behavioral scientific models, accelerated behavioural
change techniques, competencies and behaviours identified in robust
studies by leading academics are ever mentioned or used in our
courses. Other coach training courses may use other models or
derivatives of: ‘NLP’, the GROW model, therapy (including SFT),
counselling or other well-intentioned approaches -however, what
verifiable evidence is their model, practice and philosophy of
coaching based? -
coach's knowledge of quality, proven coaching processes and tools is
critical to the success of any coaching outcome.
The Behavioral Coaching Institute
is the first coaching educator to provide
world standard, professional coaching tool packages.
cost of these instruments would be at least $3000 in total. These
invaluable workplace tools are now included, at no extra cost,
in our Master
Coach Course.
In the course you will also learn
how to:
use and
select the right validated instruments in your coaching practice
the principles of validity and reliability
which instruments you will and won't add to your own tool kit,
and be taught
the uses,
benefits and timing of various instruments.
- Some
assessment tools/questionnaires
included in the Coaching Programs include:
A Structured Interview - a comprehensive assessment for executive
Leadership profile: self-awareness, interpersonal skills, thinking
A personality profile
A vision/mission profile
A work/life balance profile
A learning profile
A biographical profile
A values profile
A mini-360-degree competence profile
A job analysis profile
A work performance profile
A team member's profile
Assessing for change
A business owner's
profile - work/life balance
A life balance profile
A self-assessment profile for the coach

here for more details!
Coaching at Work Toolkit:
A Complete Guide to Techniques and
aspiring, novice and experienced coaches alike. This vital companion
resource book to the above title is a priceless
of validated coaching tools and psychology-based techniques, theories,
tools and practices that affect learning and change."
5 Star Rating |
Note: For qualified individuals
who simply wish to learn how to establish a successful coaching career
and/or coaching practice see our:
Coaching School -Tools. |